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Candle Size L

Rp. 175.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman

Nicole's Natural

place Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung

Terakhir Login : 12 April 2022, 12:19

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Terakhir di update 29 Agustus 2017, 13:07

Candle L : 7,5 cm X 15 Cm

Nicole’s Scented Candle is a fabulous luxury, bringing you peace and joy at the end of a hard day. Let's meet Citrus Energizing Scented Candle. Made of palm wax and pure essential oils of mandarin.

Nicole's Scented Candle free of paraffin, smokeless, and sublimes. Just turn the candles on to stimulate the antioxidant that helps slowing down the aging process, perfect for strengthening and energizing the body.
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Bisa dikirim ke: Seluruh Indonesia

Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir
Citra Van Titipan Kilat
Pos Indonesia
J&T Express

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*Laporkan barang/toko, jika terjadi permasalahan LAPORKAN

Candle Size L
Candle Size L
Candle Size L
Candle Size L
Candle Size L

Candle Size L

Rp. 175.000

Dilihat :
1749 Orang
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Terjual :
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Nicole's Natural

place Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung

Terakhir Login 12 April 2022, 12:19

29 Agustus 2017, 13:07

Candle L : 7,5 cm X 15 Cm

Nicole’s Scented Candle is a fabulous luxury, bringing you peace and joy at the end of a hard day. Let's meet Citrus Energizing Scented Candle. Made of palm wax and pure essential oils of mandarin.

Nicole's Scented Candle free of paraffin, smokeless, and sublimes. Just turn the candles on to stimulate the antioxidant that helps slowing down the aging process, perfect for strengthening and energizing the body.
Pencarian terkait :   candle   lilin   interior   rumah   handmade   indonesia  

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