Produk ini sudah terjual sebanyak 0 unit

Cosmopolitan TEMA Tea - Jar

Rp. 120.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman


place Babakan Madang, Bogor

Terakhir Login : 21 Mei 2019, 10:58

Cek Kebijakan Toko
Total Penjualan Berhasil
: 0 unit
Total Produk di Toko
: 23 Produk lainya
Spesifikasi Produk
1 Year
Black tea, cranberry, goji berry, apple, mint
Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 10 April 2019, 16:31

When you are in need of an inspiration ’Cosmopolitan’ is your mate. She is a cup of daring flavor and infusion of passions. Sip it, and live the enthusiasm.

When you are in need of an inspiration ’Cosmopolitan’ is your mate. She is a cup of daring flavor and infusion of passions. Sip it, and live the enthusiasm.

Black Tea + Cranberry + Goji Berry + Apple + Mint

Tasting Notes:
Exotic, Sweet & Bold

Net Weight:
50 Grams

Serving Suggestion:
Pencarian terkait :  
Belum ada ulasan.
Dukungan Pengiriman

Bisa dikirim ke: Seluruh Indonesia

Citra Van Titipan Kilat

Produk Lainya
Terdapat 23 Produk lainya

*Laporkan barang/toko, jika terjadi permasalahan LAPORKAN

Cosmopolitan TEMA Tea - Jar
Cosmopolitan TEMA Tea - Jar

Cosmopolitan TEMA Tea - Jar

Rp. 120.000

Dilihat :
1544 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
Bagikan :


place Babakan Madang, Bogor

Terakhir Login 21 Mei 2019, 10:58

Spesifikasi Produk
1 Year
Black tea, cranberry, goji berry, apple, mint

10 April 2019, 16:31

When you are in need of an inspiration ’Cosmopolitan’ is your mate. She is a cup of daring flavor and infusion of passions. Sip it, and live the enthusiasm.

When you are in need of an inspiration ’Cosmopolitan’ is your mate. She is a cup of daring flavor and infusion of passions. Sip it, and live the enthusiasm.

Black Tea + Cranberry + Goji Berry + Apple + Mint

Tasting Notes:
Exotic, Sweet & Bold

Net Weight:
50 Grams

Serving Suggestion:
Pencarian terkait :  

Ulasan Produk