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Furlough pudu tan

Rp. 189.000

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Starke Leather

place Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara

Terakhir Login : 02 September 2020, 19:04

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Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 18 Maret 2020, 10:16

The company’s name STÄRKE is derived from German word for “Strength”. As a men’s apparel artisan, we would like to put masculinity as a fundamental element inside our creation. Our mission is to give everyone a life-time experience through our products and services. We are eager to provide our customers a premium leather craft that bring sense of pride in every inch of it.

Stags are remarkable beast which inhabit the land of tundra and tropical rain forest. They’re swift, sturdy, yet exotic creatures. The muscular physique and their majestic antlers show how they proclaim the supremacy among the herd they lead. Furthermore, rather than being a mere display object, stags use their antler to compose a battle stance whilst fighting with ferocious predators. With these all admiration, we proudly adopted a Stag as our symbol. An icon of strength, an icon of STÄRKE.

Understated but luxurious, perfect for whoever appreciates subtlety through clean lines and a minimalist design aesthetic


- Dimension: 10 cm x 8.5 cm x 2 cm
- Able to carry up to 30 cards
- Made of premium pull up leather that handled well with great craftsmanship
- Available in Black and Brown color

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*Laporkan barang/toko, jika terjadi permasalahan LAPORKAN

Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan
Furlough pudu tan

Furlough pudu tan

Rp. 189.000

Dilihat :
859 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
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Maaf, toko ini dalam proses moderasi. Silakan kembali beberapa saat lagi.

Starke Leather

place Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara

Terakhir Login 02 September 2020, 19:04

18 Maret 2020, 10:16

The company’s name STÄRKE is derived from German word for “Strength”. As a men’s apparel artisan, we would like to put masculinity as a fundamental element inside our creation. Our mission is to give everyone a life-time experience through our products and services. We are eager to provide our customers a premium leather craft that bring sense of pride in every inch of it.

Stags are remarkable beast which inhabit the land of tundra and tropical rain forest. They’re swift, sturdy, yet exotic creatures. The muscular physique and their majestic antlers show how they proclaim the supremacy among the herd they lead. Furthermore, rather than being a mere display object, stags use their antler to compose a battle stance whilst fighting with ferocious predators. With these all admiration, we proudly adopted a Stag as our symbol. An icon of strength, an icon of STÄRKE.

Understated but luxurious, perfect for whoever appreciates subtlety through clean lines and a minimalist design aesthetic


- Dimension: 10 cm x 8.5 cm x 2 cm
- Able to carry up to 30 cards
- Made of premium pull up leather that handled well with great craftsmanship
- Available in Black and Brown color

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