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Bengok Tote Bag Var 1_Tas Enceng Gondok Handmade

Rp. 125.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman

Bengok Craft

place Tuntang, Semarang

Terakhir Login : 08 April 2021, 10:50

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Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 03 Maret 2021, 10:48

***Bengok Tote Bag 100% Handmade from Enceng Gondok***

Bengok Tote Bag, hand creations made from water hyacinth. Cultivating plants that are considered as weeds and are ineffective. Through creative hands, we reduce the water hyacinth into a bag upcycle water hyacinth.

Size : 40 x 28 x 10 cm
Weight : 400 g
Length (rope) : 25 cm
Details : 1 main pocket, front = back
Materials : enceng gondok x jeans

Visit our social media to see more reference photos. For wholesale orders can contact us further :)
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Bengok Tote Bag Var 1_Tas Enceng Gondok Handmade
Bengok Tote Bag Var 1_Tas Enceng Gondok Handmade
Bengok Tote Bag Var 1_Tas Enceng Gondok Handmade
Bengok Tote Bag Var 1_Tas Enceng Gondok Handmade

Bengok Tote Bag Var 1_Tas Enceng Gondok Handmade

Rp. 125.000

Dilihat :
1047 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
Bagikan :
Totebag :

Bengok Craft

place Tuntang, Semarang

Terakhir Login 08 April 2021, 10:50

03 Maret 2021, 10:48

***Bengok Tote Bag 100% Handmade from Enceng Gondok***

Bengok Tote Bag, hand creations made from water hyacinth. Cultivating plants that are considered as weeds and are ineffective. Through creative hands, we reduce the water hyacinth into a bag upcycle water hyacinth.

Size : 40 x 28 x 10 cm
Weight : 400 g
Length (rope) : 25 cm
Details : 1 main pocket, front = back
Materials : enceng gondok x jeans

Visit our social media to see more reference photos. For wholesale orders can contact us further :)
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