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Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo

Rp. 349.000

Jika menginginkan ukuran custom atau warna yang berbeda silahkan menghubungi kami.
Layanan dan Pengiriman

ulur wiji

place Kemlagi, Mojokerto

Terakhir Login : 25 Juni 2021, 14:38

Cek Kebijakan Toko
Total Penjualan Berhasil
: 0 unit
Total Produk di Toko
: 11 Produk lainya
Spesifikasi Produk
6 Hari
Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 25 Juni 2021, 14:40

Story Behind
Winih is a manifestation of Ulur Wiji. The first motif in the Growing Hijab series. Winih in Javanese means seed. The seeds we sow, either ripe or die depending on how we take care of them. That's what Ulur Wiji looks like this year. We hope that these seeds will slowly grow healthily.

Why this #ConscienceCraft is so special

Beauty in simplicity - not too many motifs, which makes it look luxurious.
Manual processing - Requires a day to drawing & batik, 10 times the dye, and it takes totally 3 days from the start until finish.
Safe to skin - very safe on your skin because it uses natural materials

Size : 115 x 115
Material : Oeko Tex Cotton Crinkle
Dyeing : Strobillantes Cusia
Pattern : Handwritten Batik
Artisan : Mbak Rini
Origin : Pandan Krajan Village, East Java
Stitch : Mojodowo Village, East Java
Packaging : Remain Fabric
Belum ada ulasan.
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Bisa dikirim ke: Seluruh Indonesia

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Produk Lainya
Terdapat 11 Produk lainya

*Laporkan barang/toko, jika terjadi permasalahan LAPORKAN

Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo
Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo
Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo
Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo
Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo

Hijab Batik Tulis WINIH Indigo

Rp. 349.000

Dilihat :
1371 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
Bagikan :

Jika menginginkan ukuran custom atau warna yang berbeda silahkan menghubungi kami.

ulur wiji

place Kemlagi, Mojokerto

Terakhir Login 25 Juni 2021, 14:38

Spesifikasi Produk
6 Hari

25 Juni 2021, 14:40

Story Behind
Winih is a manifestation of Ulur Wiji. The first motif in the Growing Hijab series. Winih in Javanese means seed. The seeds we sow, either ripe or die depending on how we take care of them. That's what Ulur Wiji looks like this year. We hope that these seeds will slowly grow healthily.

Why this #ConscienceCraft is so special

Beauty in simplicity - not too many motifs, which makes it look luxurious.
Manual processing - Requires a day to drawing & batik, 10 times the dye, and it takes totally 3 days from the start until finish.
Safe to skin - very safe on your skin because it uses natural materials

Size : 115 x 115
Material : Oeko Tex Cotton Crinkle
Dyeing : Strobillantes Cusia
Pattern : Handwritten Batik
Artisan : Mbak Rini
Origin : Pandan Krajan Village, East Java
Stitch : Mojodowo Village, East Java
Packaging : Remain Fabric

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