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Essential Oil

Rp. 275.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman

Nicole's Natural

place Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung

Terakhir Login : 12 April 2022, 12:19

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Total Penjualan Berhasil
: 0 unit
Total Produk di Toko
: 93 Produk lainya
Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 29 Agustus 2017, 12:41

Ukuran: 15ml
Diameter: 2,5cm
Tinggi: 6,5cm

My first introduction to essential oils was through aromatherapy. Essential oils have very, very small molecules. There are approximately 40 million trillion molecules in one drop of essential oil (that's approximately 40,000 molecules for each cell in the average human body). They are so small, that they enter your body through the skin and go EVERYWHERE in your body.

Ingredients: Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil, Mentha Pipperita (Peppermint) Oil, Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) Oil.

Experience: Add 3 – 5 drops to burner to relieve pain, fatigue, soreness and stress, and to energize and chill you down.

Shelf Life: 2 years
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Bisa dikirim ke: Seluruh Indonesia

Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir
Citra Van Titipan Kilat
Pos Indonesia
J&T Express

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*Laporkan barang/toko, jika terjadi permasalahan LAPORKAN

Essential Oil
Essential Oil
Essential Oil
Essential Oil
Essential Oil

Essential Oil

Rp. 275.000

Dilihat :
1778 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
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Nicole's Natural

place Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung

Terakhir Login 12 April 2022, 12:19

29 Agustus 2017, 12:41

Ukuran: 15ml
Diameter: 2,5cm
Tinggi: 6,5cm

My first introduction to essential oils was through aromatherapy. Essential oils have very, very small molecules. There are approximately 40 million trillion molecules in one drop of essential oil (that's approximately 40,000 molecules for each cell in the average human body). They are so small, that they enter your body through the skin and go EVERYWHERE in your body.

Ingredients: Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil, Mentha Pipperita (Peppermint) Oil, Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) Oil.

Experience: Add 3 – 5 drops to burner to relieve pain, fatigue, soreness and stress, and to energize and chill you down.

Shelf Life: 2 years
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