Produk ini sudah terjual sebanyak 1 unit

Grapefruit + Fresh Amber - Travel Candle

Rp. 140.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman

Project Mummy

place Prambanan, Sleman

Terakhir Login : 08 September 2020, 15:06

Cek Kebijakan Toko
Total Penjualan Berhasil
: 1 unit
Total Produk di Toko
: 18 Produk lainya
Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 25 Oktober 2017, 17:15

Our Grapefruit + Fresh Amber is an uplifting blend of Japanese Grapefruit with notes of Amber and Myrrh. This light fresh scent is timeless and sophisticated, perfect to enjoy when you are lounging in your stylish living room.

Our signature soy candle poured into silver travel tin so you can take it with you wherever you go. Each tin holds 70 gram of pure soy wax and the wood wick will deliver a crackling soft burn for up to 15 hours. Our travel candle burn cleanly and safely, and when you’re done just close the lid and your candle will be ready for your next cruise.
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Grapefruit + Fresh Amber - Travel Candle
Grapefruit + Fresh Amber - Travel Candle
Grapefruit + Fresh Amber - Travel Candle

Grapefruit + Fresh Amber - Travel Candle

Rp. 140.000

Dilihat :
1290 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
1 Unit
Bagikan :

Project Mummy

place Prambanan, Sleman

Terakhir Login 08 September 2020, 15:06

25 Oktober 2017, 17:15

Our Grapefruit + Fresh Amber is an uplifting blend of Japanese Grapefruit with notes of Amber and Myrrh. This light fresh scent is timeless and sophisticated, perfect to enjoy when you are lounging in your stylish living room.

Our signature soy candle poured into silver travel tin so you can take it with you wherever you go. Each tin holds 70 gram of pure soy wax and the wood wick will deliver a crackling soft burn for up to 15 hours. Our travel candle burn cleanly and safely, and when you’re done just close the lid and your candle will be ready for your next cruise.

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