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The Ultimate Art and Craft

Rp. 370.000

Maaf, toko ini sedang tutup dan tidak melayani pembelian. Silakan kembali beberapa saat lagi.

Cheeky Monkeys

place Kuta Utara, Badung

Terakhir Login : 21 April 2020, 13:38

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: 0 unit
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Terakhir di update 21 April 2020, 13:52

This is THE ultimate art and craft pack you could ever find in town! Put together by Cheeky Monkeys Bali teachers for preschoolers to stay active and creative during #stayathome period.

The pack includes; paint set, playdough set, waterproof art apron (preschool size), scissors, drawing book, origami paper, coloring pencils, glue, card making set, a wooden toy to color, a headband and many more. It also include craft supplies of; googly eyes, chenille wires, craft stick, felt cut, fabric cut, ribbon, bells, pom pom, yarn, beads and many more.
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The Ultimate Art and Craft
The Ultimate Art and Craft
The Ultimate Art and Craft

The Ultimate Art and Craft

Rp. 370.000

Dilihat :
1077 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
Bagikan :
Maaf, toko ini sedang tutup dan tidak melayani pembelian. Silakan kembali beberapa saat lagi.

Cheeky Monkeys

place Kuta Utara, Badung

Terakhir Login 21 April 2020, 13:38

21 April 2020, 13:52

This is THE ultimate art and craft pack you could ever find in town! Put together by Cheeky Monkeys Bali teachers for preschoolers to stay active and creative during #stayathome period.

The pack includes; paint set, playdough set, waterproof art apron (preschool size), scissors, drawing book, origami paper, coloring pencils, glue, card making set, a wooden toy to color, a headband and many more. It also include craft supplies of; googly eyes, chenille wires, craft stick, felt cut, fabric cut, ribbon, bells, pom pom, yarn, beads and many more.
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