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Six Scents - Please Just Sleep Essential Oil (10ml)

Rp. 128.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman

Six Scents

place Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara

Terakhir Login : 19 Mei 2020, 12:16

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Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 08 Mei 2020, 15:50

Weight: 10 ml

Benefit: To encourage restful sleep.

Directions for use: Diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or sweet almond oil, and use topically as needed. Best to rub around temples, back of neck, foot, and wrist, and breathe in the aroma. Or can also be used in a diffuser. Best to diffuse overnight for a better sleeping experience.

Ingredients: Lavender Essential Oil, Ylang - Ylang Essential Oil.

Warning: Do not use undiluted. Keep away from children and direct sunlight. We do not recommend these oil blends as a replacement for traditional medicine.
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Six Scents - Please Just Sleep Essential Oil (10ml)

Six Scents - Please Just Sleep Essential Oil (10ml)

Rp. 128.000

Dilihat :
1109 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
Bagikan :

Six Scents

place Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara

Terakhir Login 19 Mei 2020, 12:16

08 Mei 2020, 15:50

Weight: 10 ml

Benefit: To encourage restful sleep.

Directions for use: Diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or sweet almond oil, and use topically as needed. Best to rub around temples, back of neck, foot, and wrist, and breathe in the aroma. Or can also be used in a diffuser. Best to diffuse overnight for a better sleeping experience.

Ingredients: Lavender Essential Oil, Ylang - Ylang Essential Oil.

Warning: Do not use undiluted. Keep away from children and direct sunlight. We do not recommend these oil blends as a replacement for traditional medicine.
Pencarian terkait :   sleep   essentialoil   essentail oil   lavender  

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