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Natural Dye Jumputan Premium Scarf - Parang Kupu

Rp. 525.000

Layanan dan Pengiriman

Ing Madyokusuman

place Purworejo, Purworejo

Terakhir Login : 18 November 2020, 10:56

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Total Produk di Toko
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Deskripsi Produk

Terakhir di update 08 Juli 2020, 16:03

Material: Bemberg cotton (premium cotton with silky feel)
Size: 68cm x 240cm
Only one item
Available in brown.

Parang is one of the most well-known classic Indonesian batik patterns. This beautiful and intricate pattern is reimagined in our scarf using jumputan technique, and dyed with natural colours made from local tree barks (jambal and tingi).
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Natural Dye Jumputan Premium Scarf - Parang Kupu

Natural Dye Jumputan Premium Scarf - Parang Kupu

Rp. 525.000

Dilihat :
980 Orang
Disukai :
0 Orang
Terjual :
0 Unit
Bagikan :

Ing Madyokusuman

place Purworejo, Purworejo

Terakhir Login 18 November 2020, 10:56

08 Juli 2020, 16:03

Material: Bemberg cotton (premium cotton with silky feel)
Size: 68cm x 240cm
Only one item
Available in brown.

Parang is one of the most well-known classic Indonesian batik patterns. This beautiful and intricate pattern is reimagined in our scarf using jumputan technique, and dyed with natural colours made from local tree barks (jambal and tingi).

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