
Amédée Makery

Artisan Honey and Tea Goods   |   room Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara   |   Bergabung 26 September 2019
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Amédée Makery specializes in artisan honey and tea goods. We believe that food should taste great, healthy, and brings joy to you. Here in Amédée Makery, we make sure that our honey’s true flavor and nutritional integrity are intact, giving you the honey as is should be: real and raw. Our small batches of local honey are harvested straight from the hives, making sure that the honey is always in its purest, most unaltered form - it has not been pasteurized, blended, or flavored. To complement our honey, we also offer selections of local single-origin organic tea that are harvested and crafted by hand, serving it to you with the purest and freshest ingredient you will truly enjoy.

Pemilik Toko

Amedee Makery



Artisan Honey and Tea Goods

Lokasi Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara
Bergabung 26 September 2019

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Terakhir Login 21 January 2020 | 13:14:47

data ke 1 - 4 dari 4 produk

Tentang Kami
Amédée Makery specializes in artisan honey and tea goods. We believe that food should taste great, healthy, and brings joy to you. Here in Amédée Makery, we make sure that our honey’s true flavor and nutritional integrity are intact, giving you the honey as is should be: real and raw. Our small batches of local honey are harvested straight from the hives, making sure that the honey is always in its purest, most unaltered form - it has not been pasteurized, blended, or flavored. To complement our honey, we also offer selections of local single-origin organic tea that are harvested and crafted by hand, serving it to you with the purest and freshest ingredient you will truly enjoy.

Pemilik Toko

Amedee Makery