

To reform and to redefine. Creating a #positivechange, One plastic bag at a time.   |   room Ambarawa, Semarang   |   Bergabung 09 Oktober 2019
chat Hubungi Toko
Terakhir Login 20 Juli 2020, 14:36
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Terdapat 12 Produk Kreskros

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Tentang Kami
Kreskros is an ethical design studio with a focus on promoting fair trade and sustainability. From our inception in 2016, we have been exploring innovative ways of transforming plastic waste into viable materials. We focus especially on working with the women within our community, to build on their skill sets and help them be able to support themselves and their family. Our goal is to raise awareness about the danger of plastic waste, and empowering local community leading to a more sustainable future

Pemilik Toko


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To reform and to redefine. Creating a #positivechange, One plastic bag at a time.

Lokasi Ambarawa, Semarang
Bergabung 09 October 2019

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chat Hubungi Toko (offline)
Terakhir Login 20 July 2020 | 14:36:58

data ke 1 - 12 dari 12 produk

Tentang Kami
Kreskros is an ethical design studio with a focus on promoting fair trade and sustainability. From our inception in 2016, we have been exploring innovative ways of transforming plastic waste into viable materials. We focus especially on working with the women within our community, to build on their skill sets and help them be able to support themselves and their family. Our goal is to raise awareness about the danger of plastic waste, and empowering local community leading to a more sustainable future

Pemilik Toko


Kebijakan Toko
PO dilayani untuk semua produk . Lama PO produk 10 (sepuluh) hari kerja.