

Melepaskan adalah seni kehidupan   |   room Sukasari, Bandung   |   Bergabung 16 Oktober 2019
chat Hubungi Toko
Terakhir Login 14 September 2022, 12:05
Semua Produk
Terdapat 1 Produk Lepas
Sukma Top
Rp 450.000

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Tentang Kami
The making of Lepas started as I was dealing with an issue in my self-healing process. It was indeed, the matter of letting go, which led to other issues and many of my traumas. As I got up, I found the strength to get back to path I am passionate about, work. Choosing clothes as the medium, which charmed me on how we can directly experience its comfort, warmth, breeze, and beauty together at one time. All the coming insights from Lepas always slithered in the layers of clothes and the literacies brought on the captions and letters to the consumers. To not tutor, but to share every lights that caught in the paths and journeys of Lepas. Nothing but a prayer for those who wear Lepas, to let go all of the burdens that holds them in the way, to be full and content of enjoyments and concessions. We won’t attached our self to the labels of ethnical, sustainable, or even an eco-fashion. The core value is to provide warmth and hospitality to the body and the universe as we crafting it mindfully. It starts with our-self and our bodies to scatter the good vibration to the surroundings and back to the universe. We are striving to choose and use natural materials, sustainable packaging and reuse the leftover materials from the production of Lepas.

Pemilik Toko

Maya Hikmatin




Melepaskan adalah seni kehidupan

Lokasi Sukasari, Bandung
Bergabung 16 October 2019

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chat Hubungi Toko (offline)
Terakhir Login 14 September 2022 | 12:05:03

Rp 450.000

data ke 1 - 1 dari 1 produk

Tentang Kami
The making of Lepas started as I was dealing with an issue in my self-healing process. It was indeed, the matter of letting go, which led to other issues and many of my traumas. As I got up, I found the strength to get back to path I am passionate about, work. Choosing clothes as the medium, which charmed me on how we can directly experience its comfort, warmth, breeze, and beauty together at one time. All the coming insights from Lepas always slithered in the layers of clothes and the literacies brought on the captions and letters to the consumers. To not tutor, but to share every lights that caught in the paths and journeys of Lepas. Nothing but a prayer for those who wear Lepas, to let go all of the burdens that holds them in the way, to be full and content of enjoyments and concessions. We won’t attached our self to the labels of ethnical, sustainable, or even an eco-fashion. The core value is to provide warmth and hospitality to the body and the universe as we crafting it mindfully. It starts with our-self and our bodies to scatter the good vibration to the surroundings and back to the universe. We are striving to choose and use natural materials, sustainable packaging and reuse the leftover materials from the production of Lepas.

Pemilik Toko

Maya Hikmatin
