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27 Juli 2018, 09:24
Sabun Lidah Buaya – untuk perawatan optimal pada kulit sensitif
Kandungan mineral dan vitamin pada aloevera baik untuk digunakan pada kulit sensitif dan kering. Lignin pada aloevera dapat meresap pada kulit, berperan untuk mencegah air dari kekeringan permukaan kulit.
Noesa soap merupakan sabun alami tropis (tropical natural soap) yang diproduksi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kulit. Untuk membuat sabun dengan kualitas premium yang terkontrol, kami memproduksi sendiri beberapa bahan utama melalui kerjasama dengan beberapa petani di Pulau Nusa Penida diantaranya dengan petani kelapa, petani rumput laut, petani kunyit, dan petani lidah buaya.
Noesa soap dibuat menggunakan proses dingin (slow cold process methode), tanpa pemanasan eksternal, sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan khasiat dari bahan alami untuk kulit. Produk kami tidak menggunakan bahan-bahan yang membahayakan kulit seperti SLS, paraben, Minyak Sawit, pewarna sintetis, atau substansi kimia berbahaya lainnya.
Noesa soap berusaha memberikan perawatan sabun yang memukau dari sumber daya alam tropis kita. Rasakan aroma tropis yang memukau dan nikmati sensasi mandi yang menyenangkan bersama Noesa Soap.
Natural - Handmade - Fair Trade
Aloe Vera Soap - for optimal sensitive skin treatment
The minerals and vitamins from aloe vera are suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Lignin from aloe vera can
penetrate the skin and act to prevent the loss of water from the skin surface.
Noesa Soap is a handmade soap made of local materials to meet various skin needs. Produced under controlled conditions to produce premium quality soap, we process our own several basic materials by collaborating with farmers from Nusa Penida Island. We work together with aloe vera, honey, turmeric, coconut, and seaweed farmers around the island and produce this product in Toyapakeh Village. All materials are collected within radius 3 miles so it’s less carbon foot print to produce from farm to bar.
Premium quality soap requires the best-chosen material and appropriate manufacturing process. Noesa Soap is coconut oil based and produced using slow cold process method, without external heating process, so it can
optimize the benefits of the natural ingredients to the skin. Our products do not use paraben, SLS, Palm oil, synthetic coloring substance, or other chemical substances which harm the skin.
Noesa Soap attempts to bring you a mesmerizing soaping treatment from our natural tropical resources. Feel the freshness, smell the beautiful scent, and enjoy a delightful soaping by choosing your fancy soap here.
Natural - Handmade - Fair Trade